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Profile of Programme

The program of studies of the Marketing Specialization focuses on the acquisition of knowledge, cultivation of skills, and learning of techniques aiming to the successful identification, understanding, and satisfaction of the needs and wants of consumer and organizational buyers.  Particular emphasis is put on the development and implementation of value-enhancing marketing strategies, that will allow a firm to achieve its objectives by exploiting its resources and capabilities, taking into consideration the opportunities and challenges of the external environment.

The program of studies covers a wide range of marketing courses, such as strategic marketing, marketing research, marketing communications, consumer behavior, sales management, digital marketing, social media marketing, retail management, and international marketing.

Key Learning Outcomes

The program of studies of the Marketing Specialization aims at the following learning outcomes:

a) to provide fundamental knowledge on marketing in general and its specific functional areas in particular;

b) to supply with the necessary modern tools, techniques, and methodologies in solving problems relating to marketing;

c) to cultivate critical thinking, creative perception, and team spirit;

d) to expose to successful marketing practices of firms in Cyprus and abroad; and

e) to demonstrate the effective and efficient way of working in various marketing positions.

Key Information

Department: Department of Business and Public Administration

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Management

Programme Name: Business Administration

Direction: Marketing

Level of Qualification: 1st Cycle (Bachelor's Degree) [8 Semesters]

Programme Category: Conventional/In person

Mode of Study: Full time

Language of Instruction: Greek

Coordinator: Professor Leonidas C. Leonidou

Curriculum Structure

Course Type ECTS
Core Courses 140
Specialized Courses Depth 44
Specialized Courses Breadth 6
Restricted Elective Breadth 18
Thesis/Breadth 6
Thesis/Depth 6
Free Elective 20

Courses per Semester


Free Elective Courses: Students must enrol in 20 ECTS, according to the University of Cyprus regulations.  Courses must be chosen from at least three (3) different Faculties, including the Sports Council and the Language Centre.  The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) is considered one of the threes Faculties (excluding the BPA Department).

Conditions of Study

The vast majority of newly admitted undergraduate students enter the University of Cyprus following Pancyprian Examinations organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture for admission into establishments of higher education.

Admission based on Special Criteria: Candidates who have taken the Pancyprian Examinations and who meet certain special criteria, as these are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Academic and Student Affairs, may seek a limited number of places (14% of Cypriot admissions).

· Top athletes and persons distinguished in International Olympiads: Athletes with top distinctions in sports, as defined by the Council of the University of Cyprus or who have won 1st 2nd or 3rd place medals in International Olympiads (e.g. Mathematics, ICT, Biology, etc.), may be admitted into Departments of Cyprus University without examinations simply on the basis of their Lyceum Leaving Certificate.

· Entry on the basis of Panhellenic Examinations: 10% of the total number of places offered through the Pancyprian Examinations may be taken up by candidates passing the Panhellenic Examinations.

Entry on the basis of International Examinations

An additional number of places (3%) of admissions from Cyprus may be sought on the basis of the results of international examinations such as GCE, Baccalaureate or other equivalent examinations, by Cypriots belonging to the Republic’s official religious groups, repatriated Cypriots, Cypriots who reside permanently abroad, Greeks of the diaspora, children of officials of the Cypriot Foreign Service and foreign citizens from EU states or countries outside the European Union.

Turkish-Cypriots Turkish Cypriot graduates of six-grade secondary schools are admitted on the basis of their school-leaving certificate or after passing special written or oral examinations organised by the competent Department. Transfers/Second Degree Every year Cyprus University offers a limited number of places for internal/external transfers and for obtaining a second degree.

Students must always advise the University's' Undergraduate Study Rules 

The Program is based on the European System of Credit Transfer and Accumulation (ECTS). The degree is awarded after the successful completion of studies in the program / direction determined by the Department. It is  also required to succeed at least 240 ECTS .

The final grade of an undergraduate student, and consequently the grade of his Degree (Excellent with Distinction (9.5-10), Excellent (8.5-9.49), Very Good (6.5-8.49), Good (5.5-6.49) and Satisfactory (5-5.49) is calculated as the weighted average of all the courses that the student has successfully completed.The weighting is based on the hours of each course.

Further Information

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

The Business and Public Administration degree-holders are employed shortly after their graduation in positions in a wide range of businesses and organisations, both in the private and public sector. They are remunerated with competitive salaries and are able to advance their career in managerial positions. They are also trained by acquiring the skills to be able to follow the path of innovation and entrepreneurship by founding their own businesses. 

Access to Further Studies

A significant percentage of our graduates are pursuing postgraduate studies at prestigious universities of the United Kingdom, other European countries and in North America.
