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Profile of Programme

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is a key discipline, at the heart of the technology frontier. It deals with the design and analysis of electrical, magnetic and optical devices, and the processing, control, and transmission of information and energy.
The tools used in electrical and computer engineering include electrical, electromagnetic and optical phenomena, systems theory, and computational hardware and software. The discipline can be divided in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering.
Specifically, Computer Engineering is a broad field that covers many diverse areas of study such as computer networks, computational intelligence and robotics, computer hardware systems, embedded and real-time systems, computer software design, operating systems, algorithms, etc. Students and faculty in Computer Engineering also develop synergies with disciplines outside of engineering; for example, with medicine and the life sciences that can lead to education and research in biomedical engineering.
The main objective of the PhD program in Computer Engineering is to advance the existing knowledge in the various areas of Computer Engineering and enable students of exceptional ability to undertake advanced study and conduct original research. The program focuses on technology issues for cutting-edge technologies. Students can conduct research in an area of concentration that is related to one, or more, areas of Computer Engineering offered at the department such as:

 Computer Networks
 Biomedical Engineering
 Computational Intelligence and Robotics
 Embedded Systems and Computing Hardware
The program prepares graduates with in-depth knowledge and research competence of the highest caliber to fill positions in research organizations, universities, governmental organizations and the industry. The program consists of advanced studies and research leading to new/original knowledge and significant contribution beyond the current stateof-the-art in the chosen research area.
The successful completion of the candidates’ research is demonstrated via their doctoral dissertations, which must showcase both the ability to perform independent research as well as the candidates’ competence towards the production of new knowledge and novel results that are of the highest quality and academic standards and exhibits academic excellence. A Ph.D. dissertation in the field of Computer Engineering is expected to present original research of advanced level for a significant problem in the field, and should provide the basis for publishable contributions to the research literature in the field.

Key Learning Outcomes

When graduating from the Ph.D. program in Computer Engineering, students should have the following abilities and skills:

1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate, and solve computer engineering problems.
2. Advanced knowledge of electrical and electronic components and their use in
computing systems.
3. Ability to model, design, analyze and evaluate components and systems.
4. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context.
5. Use modern engineering tools and techniques to successfully practice the
computer engineering profession in a broad spectrum of areas.
6. Use oral and written communication to convey technical concepts and research results to engineers and non-engineers, in the form of conference papers, journal papers, and/or oral presentations.
7. Achieve and demonstrate a deep-knowledge of the discipline and significantly
advance the state of art through original research.
8. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems using techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
9. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs and to design, conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data.
10. Ability to address advanced engineering problems.
11. Ability to function in, and lead multidisciplinary teams and to communicate
12. Ability to identify emerging trends and challenges in Computer Engineering, and apply the acquired knowledge in mathematics, science, and engineering, to
address the technological challenges of the future.
13. Adhere to the highest professional and ethical responsibility standards.
14. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context. Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning.

Key Information

Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Programme Name: Computer Engineering

Direction: Computer Engineering

Level of Qualification: 3rd Cycle (Doctoral's Degree) [8 Semesters]

Mode of Study: Full time

Language of Instruction: English

Coordinator: Julius Georgiou, Associate Professor

Curriculum Structure

Course Type ECTS
Compulsory 184
Recognition of prior studies 32
Restricted Elective 24

Courses per Semester

Conditions of Study

The number of places available are announced by the Graduate School with the eligibility criteria for candidates, as well as other required documents that must be attached to the application such as:

• Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University.
• Previous University education in a suitable subject (academic background) and grades of relevant degrees.
• Letters of recommendation.
• Personal interview and/or written examination (if provided by the Department’s internal rules).
• Submission of preliminary research proposal for admission to a doctoral course (if provided by the Department’s internal rules).
The Department may also set additional criteria and quality indicators such as: (a) number of students’ publications in scientific journals, (b) students’ participation in seminars, symposia, research programmes, (c) presentations by students at conferences, (d) knowledge of foreign languages, and (e) professional experience, etc.

Students must always advise the University's' Postgraduate Study Rules

Successful completion of the requirements of the Program
Up to 60 ECTS may be exempted from postgraduate courses

The diploma dissertation, thesis, research and writing stages are graded with Success / Failure. The final grade of the dissertation is registered in the last semester of its elaboration. The doctoral dissertation is graded as Success or Failure

Further Information

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Specialized knowledge in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a powerful tool for the graduates of the department in their efforts for professional success, within a constantly changing working environment at a global level. In particular, the trend towards more intelligent systems, through specialized hardware and software, the increase in the connectivity of all devices on the Internet, etc., highlight a series of challenges that future Computer Engineering graduates will be called upon to address and offer workable solutions to emerging issues. For example, according to Eurostat, in the European Union,

5.8% of all employment in 2016 concerned skilled workers in high-tech specialties. This percentage is rising and is expected to be much higher in the next few decades.
Despite the fact that the Cypriot market is at an embryonic stage in creating such jobs (according to the same Eurostat survey, the corresponding high-tech jobs in Cyprus fluctuated to around 1% in 2016), the combination of the high expenditure of the Cypriot government in the field of Education, Research and Development combined with the rising employment rate of recent graduates (see Figure 1), is expected to provide a big push to Cyprus's effort to create a knowledge-based society.

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