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Profile of Programme

The general aim of the master’s program is to offer specialized courses in Instructional Technology to teachers and other professionals in the field of education. In addition, the programme prepares students for doctoral studies and academic careers.

The programme offers opportunities to students so to acquire specialized knowledge in the field Instructional Technology. Specifically, the programme aspires to provide students with background knowledge and research skills in the field of instructional design through the use of digital technologies, the development of dynamic teaching and
learning environments, the conduction of quantitative and qualitative research as well as the development of educational programmes with the use of digital technologies.

Key Learning Outcomes

After the successful completion of the programme, it is expected that students will:
Acquire knowledge on the basic methodological approaches of Instructional Technology.
Develop skills for critical analysis of literature related to specific research questions in the field of Instructional Technology.
Familiarize themselves with qualitative and quantitative methods of educational research and gain experience of applying these methods to collecting and analyzing data.
Analyze and interpret results from modern research in the field of instructional design using digital technologies and from the development of dynamic teaching and learning environments.
Analyze applications of new technologies in the development of educational programmes.
Propose future research directions to the field of Instructional Technology.

Key Information

Department: Department of Education

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Education

Programme Name: Instructional Technology

Direction: Instructional Technology

Level of Qualification: 2nd Cycle (Master's Degree) [4 Semesters]

Programme Category: Conventional/In person

Mode of Study: Full time and Part time are both possible

Language of Instruction: Greek and English

Coordinator: Charoula Angeli Valanides (

Curriculum Structure

Course Type ECTS
Compulsory 54
Restricted Elective 36

Courses per Semester


Compulsory(4): EDU 580, EDU 581, EDU 583, EDU 683
Restricted Elective Specialization Courses (3): EDU 524, 643, 662, 676, 601, 631, 640
Seminar (1): EDU 692

Students can register to Master Thesis I and II (EDU 798 and 799) and be excepted from two elective courses.

Conditions of Study

The number of places available are announced by the Graduate School with the eligibility criteria for candidates, as well as other required documents that must be attached to the application such as:
Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University.
Previous University education in a suitable subject (academic background) and grades of relevant degrees.
Letters of recommendation.
Personal interview and/or written examination (if provided by the Department’s internal rules).
Submission of preliminary research proposal for admission to a doctoral course (if provided by the Department’s internal rules).
The Department may also set additional criteria and quality indicators such as: (a) number of students’ publications in scientific journals, (b) students’ participation in seminars, symposia, research programmes, (c) presentations by students at conferences, (d) knowledge of foreign languages, and (e) professional experience, etc.

Students must always advise the University's' Postgraduate Study Rules

Successful completion of the requirements of the Program

The grading system is numerical, from 0 to 10 with increments of ½. The minimum passing grade is 5. The final grade of a graduate student is calculated as the grade point average of all courses passed by the student. 

In a postgraduate programme of study, courses can be graded as Success/Failure. These courses do not count towards the student’s GPA, and may not exceed 25% of the programme’s ECTS, with the exception of the dissertation units. All courses are presented in the Postgraduate Studies Prospectus.
The diploma dissertation, thesis, research and writing stages are graded with Success / Failure. The final grade of the dissertation is registered in the last semester of its elaboration. Master level dissertations are calculated qualitatively as Excellent, Very Good, Good, and Failure.

Further Information

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Graduates of the program can be employed in both the Public and Private Sector in Schools or other educational and research organizations.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates can be admitted to Doctoral Programs
