PrefaceThe Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies and the Department of History and Archaeology offer a joint specialised postgraduate programme in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East at the MA and PhD levels. There are two options for the MA degree, with or without a thesis (see Academic Requirements).
AimThe goal of the programme is to promote interdisciplinary approaches in the various fields of Byzantine Studies and the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. More specifically, the programme aims at a multilevel and multifaceted study of Byzantine culture that combines the various theoretical and practical methodological tools of Philology, History, History of Art and Archaeology. The programme also provides an opportunity to study the Latin East and Greeks under Latin Rule with a combination of methods and themes.
Ten members of the academic staff of the two Departments participate in the programme, in the following fields of specialisation: Byzantine Language and Literature, Byzantine History, Medieval History, the History of Greeks under Latin Rule, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art and Archaeology, and Medieval Art and Archaeology. Each semester at least three seminars are taught, one in each of the following areas: (A) Byzantine Language and Literature, (B) Byzantine/Medieval History, (C) Byzantine/Medieval Art and Archaeology.
In order to ensure that the students become acquainted with the full range of the fields and the various methodological approaches involved, the seminars offered in the programme are organised on the basis of the three areas and deal with the following themes:
a) Political, social, economic, and ecclesiastical history, b) Ideology and identity, cultural traditions, and intercultural contacts, c) Intellectual production and artistic creation, d) Daily life and material culture, and e) Cyprus within the wider social, historical, and cultural context of the Eastern Mediterranean.
More specifically, the courses offered within the framework of this interdepartmental postgraduate programme of studies aim to further the students’ acquaintance with
At the completion of the programme of studies, the students will
The seminars are enriched by visits to the archaeological sites, museums, monuments, and monastic libraries of Cyprus. At the same time, the students are able to become acquainted with the research of local and visiting scholars through the lectures organised within the framework of the Colloquium of Byzantine and Medieval Studies. Furthermore, the students have the opportunity to participate in research projects coordinated by the faculty members of the programme.
Department: Department of History and Archaeology
Faculty: Faculty of Letters
Programme Name: Byzantine Studies and the Latin East
Direction: Byzantine Studies and Latin East
Level of Qualification: 2nd Cycle (Master's Degree) [3 Semesters]
Programme Category: Conventional/In person
Mode of Study: Full time
Language of Instruction: Greek and English Or English in the case of non-Greek speaking students.
You can apply for the MA Programme in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East by using the online application system of the Graduate School of the University of Cyprus.
Closing date for applications: announced by the Graduate School (in spring for admission in September and in the fall for admission in January)
Documents required with application
Admission and duration of Studies:Admission of (up to 10) new students every September and January. Minimum duration of full-time enrolment three semesters. Maximum duration of enrolment eight semesters.
Students must consult the University's Postgraduate Study Rules.
Successful completion of the requirements of the Programme:
Academic Requirements (
Students must consult the Postgraduate Study Rules.
The grading system is numerical, from 0 to 10 with increments of ½. The minimum passing grade is 5. The final grade of a graduate student is calculated as the grade point average of all courses passed by the student.In a postgraduate programme of study, courses can be graded as Success/Failure. These courses do not count towards the student’s GPA, and may not exceed 25% of the programme’s ECTS, with the exception of the dissertation units. All courses are presented in the Postgraduate Studies Prospectus.The final grade of the dissertation is registered in the last semester of its completion. Master level dissertations are evaluated qualitatively as Excellent, Very Good, Good, and Failure.
Career• as researchers at universities or research institutes• as curators of museums, art galleries, cultural institutes, etc.
Graduates can be admitted to doctoral programmes of study.