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Profile of Programme

The Inter-departmental Postgraduate Programme "Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design" (IPP-ETSD) offers specialization in the discipline of Energy Technologies within the frame of Sustainable Design. The interdisciplinary nature of the Master’s Program gives the opportunity to students to come into contact with subjects from a wide range of scientific backgrounds and work with fellow students of different disciplines to develop synergies and complementarities for achieving common objectives. Graduates of the program can thus gain a more comprehensive and multidisciplinary training in such a diverse subject area such as Energy.

The IPP-ETSD is offered by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cyprus since September 2010. In this postgraduate program all the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cyprus are involved (in alphabetical order):

  • Department of Architecture (ARCH)
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
  • Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MEE)
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)

For the award of the Master’s Degree MEng students are required to successfully complete the program of studies as described in detail below. The minimum duration of the Master of Engineering program for full-time students is three academic semesters. The maximum duration allowed for completion of the Master’s degree is four years, as determined by the University regulations. It is clarified that the Advanced Project «Capstone Design & Research Project» starts only every September and ends in July. The workload leading to the Master’s degree MEng requires the completion of at least 91 ECTS units from a combination of graduate courses, seminars and labs.

For more information, visit the Programme's dedicated website at

Key Learning Outcomes

The key objectives of the IPP-ETSD program of the Faculty of Engineering are:

  • the proper preparation of the engineering-scientists graduates so that they can successfully address current energy challenges and demands, both nationally and internationally, and
  • the acquisition of a unified interdisciplinary scientific training and understanding in a wide range of energy topics, through the framework of sustainable design.

Through the versatile education offered to students, the concept of Energy itself as well as its storage, distribution and utilization is studied in a way that is consistent with modern concepts of sustainability and energy saving.

Moreover, students have the opportunity to work as members of a multidisciplinary team for the development of a complex large-scale project that requires multidisciplinary collaboration, reflecting the background of the four participating Departments of the Faculty of Engineering. This activity will help students to obtain a common background necessary for the implementation of the projects in real conditions, in which, knowledge of basic principles relating to all disciplines is necessary. Furthermore, the perception of teamwork and holistic view of a project is cultivated, in order to achieve the greatest possible synergies in sustainable design and energy efficiency.

Key Information

Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Programme Name: Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design (M.Eng.)

Direction: Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design (M.Eng.)

Level of Qualification: 2nd Cycle (Master's Degree) [3 Semesters]

Mode of Study: Full time

Language of Instruction: Greek and English


Curriculum Structure

Course Type ECTS
Core Courses Specialization 9
Core Courses 48
Restricted Elective 32

Courses per Semester

Conditions of Study

The candidates for admission to the program must hold at least a recognized equivalent university degree (BSc) in a relevant field of science or engineering. The candidates can submit a formal request to one or more Departments, through the Graduate School within specified deadlines (twice a year). The applications are evaluated and approved by the Board of the Department to which the application was submitted. The selection of students is based on the following criteria: School of Postgraduate Studies within predetermined dates (twice each year). Applications are evaluated and approved by the Board of the Department to which the application was submitted. The selection of students is based on the following criteria:
  • Quality of the candidate’s academic career, both in depth and in breadth, and past achievements in his/her Undergraduate or Graduate studies.
  • Indications of capability in implementing existing technologies as well as developing innovative technologies in the proposed area of study.

Moreover, for the admission to the program of study Master of Science Program MSc, the candidate students must provide indications of their ability for original and innovative research in the proposed field of study. Master of Science MSc students must provide evidence of their ability for original and innovative research in the proposed field of study.

The number of places available are announced by the Graduate School with the eligibility criteria for candidates, as well as other required documents that must be attached to the application such as:
  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University.
  • Previous University education in a suitable subject (academic background) and grades of relevant degrees.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Personal interview and/or written examination (if provided by the Department’s internal rules).
The Department may also set additional criteria and quality indicators such as: (a) number of students’ publications in scientific journals, (b) students’ participation in seminars, symposia, research programmes, (c) presentations by students at conferences, (d) knowledge of foreign languages, and (e) professional experience, etc.

Students must always advise the University's Postgraduate Study Rules.

Successful completion of the requirements of the Programme.

The grading system is numerical, from 0 to 10 with increments of ½. The minimum passing grade is 5. The final grade of a graduate student is calculated as the grade point average of all courses passed by the student.

In a postgraduate programme of study, courses can be graded as Success/Failure. These courses do not count towards the student’s GPA, and may not exceed 25% of the programme’s ECTS, with the exception of the dissertation units. All courses are presented in the Postgraduate Studies Prospectus.

The diploma dissertation, thesis, research and writing stages are graded with Success / Failure. The final grade of the dissertation is registered in the last semester of its elaboration. Master level dissertations are calculated qualitatively as Excellent, Very Good, Good, and Failure.

Further Information

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

The Programme provides its graduates with the background needed to implement interdisciplinary projects, where the understanding of common principles of all branches of Engineering is a critical factor for their successful design, construction, operation and maintenance.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates can be admitted to Doctoral Programmes.
