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Course Details

Course Department: Department of Physics
Course Code: PHY 350
Course Title: Advanced Physics Laboratory
Number of ECTS: 6
Level of Course: 1st Cycle (Bachelor's Degree) 
Year of Study (if applicable):
Semester/Trimester when the Course Unit is Delivered: Spring Semester 
Name of Lecturer(s):
Halil Saka
Lectures/Week: -- 
Laboratories/week: 1 (5 hours per lecture) 
Tutorials/Week: -- 
Course Purpose and Objectives: The development of advanced laboratory, data analysis, and report writing skills in physics, commensurate with the theoretical content of the undergraduate physics syllabus.
Learning Outcomes:

The students acquire the following skills during the course of the semester:

• Basics of personal conduct in a laboratory setting, with an emphasis on safety.

• Setup, calibration, troubleshooting, and operation of electronic, digital, optical and mechanical equipment, such as oscilloscopes, power supplies, photo-detectors, lasers, microscopes, and pendulums.

• Use of modern computational techniques and programming languages for efficient and scalable data acquisition, storage, and analysis practices, through the use of Python programming language and relevant free and open-source scientific packages. 

• Mastery of relevant mathematical concepts, such as Poisson/Normal distributions, Chi2 fitting, Discrete Fourier transforms, random walk, and nonlinear/chaotic systems.

• Quantification and reporting of systematic and statistical uncertainties (as appropriate) in the experimental measurements. 

• Presentation of acquired results in scientific writing, as well as to an audience in a scientific setting.

Prerequisites: Not Applicable 
Co-requisites: Not Applicable 
Course Content:

Experiments: scanning-tunneling microscopy, silicon photomultipliers and single photon detection, Brownian motion, optical tweezers, cosmic muon detection, speed of light measurement, study of chaotic pendulum.

Teaching Methodology:

This is a primarily hands-on laboratory course, where students are expected to be directly involved in the setup and conduct of experiments (no plug-and-play), as well as data analysis and report writing to consolidate their theoretical understanding of the subject matter. Short lectures, discussion sessions, and demonstrations are conducted as needed for each student team and experiment.

For each experiment, each group of students submit a lab report. They also have to give a presentation of their results for their experiments in front of an audience composed of the course instructor and the other students taking the course. In the presentation meetings, the instructor and students discuss the physics, experimental work and data analysis of the experiments.

Academic publications on the subject matter constitute the main references for this course.

The grade is based on 5 laboratory reports (90%), and 1 oral presentation (10%) based on experiments conducted during the semester.

For a successful completion of the course, all experiments need to be satisfactorily completed.

Language of Instruction: English
Delivery Mode: Face-To-Face 
Work Placement(s): Not Applicable